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脾胃虚弱的症状有哪些 🍽️ digestive issues revealed

发布时间:2025-03-07 23:58:06来源:

📚 脾胃虚弱的症状有哪些 🍽️ digestive issues revealed


digestive upset can often be traced back to spleen and stomach weakness, a common concept in traditional Chinese medicine that points to a decrease in the digestive system's function. Here are some of the most common symptoms:

1. 🤢 恶心和呕吐 Nausea and vomiting

2. 💩 大便异常 Abnormal bowel movements

3. 😴 疲劳 Fatigue

4. 🐛 舌苔厚腻 Thick, greasy tongue coating

5. 🍽️ 食欲不振 Loss of appetite


(责编: QINBA)
