
发布时间:2024-07-06 15:36:04 栏目:综合问答

    导读 您好,今天明明来为大家解答以上的问题。住在大城市的优缺点英语作文80字,住在大城市的优缺点英语作文相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一...


    1、As a coin has two sides,living in the city has both advantages and ***.To beagin with,it is convinient to live in the city for there are many stores ,restaurants ,theaters 。

    2、gyms etc.Nextly, the transfortation in the city is much more developed .Regardless of the bus and the texi, we can choose subways ,which is in fast speed and cheap.After that ,there children can get better education and acquire more resources.However,not everyone can afford the high expense there and the large population leads to the heavy traffic and more pollutions.Therefore ,different people hold on different views about whether is proper to live in the city .。

